Special Car Store

Road Trip British Columbia

BC Canada - Road Trip

Flickr Slideshow (click thru <51> images) or go to Flickr Album

British Columbia is surely among the most beautiful places of the world. The more moderate climate (by Canadian standards) and stupendous scenery attract millions of tourists to share in the treasure. It's a big place - it takes 720,000 kilometers of roads to get to all the rivers, harbours and valleys (447,000 miles for the analog tribe south). Considering the vast distances to venture, it's too bad high gasoline prices (taxed up north of $1.50/litre), insanely high government insurance rates, expensive service repair culture and taxes contribute to make driving crazy expensive here.

1961 Chevrolet Biscayne at Road Trip BC

1961 Chevolet Biscayne

Given all the obstacles, it becomes ever more rewarding to see special cars off the beaten track; out in the boonies as they used to say. Following is a random collection of cars that we just happened to see along the way to somewhere in BC in 2018. 

Flickr Slideshow (click thru <26> images) or go to Flickr Album

by Randy Berg